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s e r v i c e s

Contact me to inquire about rates, packages, group inquiries, and what I can do for you.

William's Wicked Workouts

p e r s o n a l   t r a i n i n g


Based on your specific health and fitness needs,  I will create a custom package for you to address your weight goals, muscle gain, sports performance, rehabilitation training or simply maintaining a healthy, fit lifestyle.


  • Programs customized to fit your goals

  • Weight / fat loss

  • Muscle and strength gains

  • Rehabilitation and recovery

  • Fit and healthy long-term adaptations

William's Wicked Workouts

c o n t e s t   p r e p a r a t i o n  /  c o a c h

bodybuilding | classic physique |  physique | figure | bikini | fitness model


I work with competitors at all levels, from beginner to advanced, and specialize in bodybuilder, fitness and figure contest coaching. Check out my success stories to view just a few of my clients who have benefited from my coaching. Posing and routine clinics also available.


  • Competition detailed diet plan 

  • Weekly updates and check ups

  • FaceTime / call consultations if necessary 

  • Posing routine for maximum impact

  • Final week prep 24/7 access

William's Wicked Workouts

g r o u p  c o n d i t i o n i n g  c l a s s e s


boot camp and small group training sessions


  • Fun group motivation aspect

  • Challenges you to see progression with others and keeps you accountable

  • Working out with others that share your same goals

  • Close environment with people keeps you motivated with your goals

  • Sharing in the all around energy in the room while working as a team

William's Wicked Workouts

a l l - a g e s   t r a i n i n g


It doesn’t matter what your age is, or if you have certain limitations. It doesn't matter if you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced regardless of your age.


Whether you're recovering from an injury, or just decided to start finally exercising, I have a Wicked Workout plan tailored  just for you! I will be very attentive to your needs, and will get you to where you want to go!


  • Increased endurance, strength, conditioning, psycho-motor skills, flexibility, energy, health


  • Decreased body fat levels, blood pressure, aches and pains, stiffness


And many more benefits... so don't wait for the perfect time to start. The time to start is now!

William's Wicked Workouts

l i f e s t y l e  p a c k a g e


Custom nutrition and training programs for people who just want to get healthy, or start making healthier choices, or even off-season competitors and people looking to make a lifestyle changes for long-term health and longevity.


  • Fitness and health plan and maintenance 

  • Quality for life improvements

  • Boost your energy and self-esteem 

  • My On-The-Go Busy Lifestyle program 

  • Adopting and keeping a healthy mind set

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